NYSCP January 2024 e-bulletin - North Yorkshire

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January 2024 e-bulletin

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Welcome to the NYSCP January 2024 edition of our e-bulletin

Welcome to 2024 and the January edition of our NYSCP e-bulletin. Happy New Year from all of us in the Business Unit!

As I’m sat writing this in late December, I’m already looking forward to the quietness of January and the prospect of new beginnings. As a partnership we rounded off our year completing and sharing our Annual report. As we mentioned in December, the report is more than just a collection of statistics but a chance to reflect on our collective commitment if safeguard children, and with that refection comes a chance to think about our plans for the future and how we can continue to strive for all children in North Yorkshire to be Safe, Happy, Healthy and achieving.

There has also been a recently updated version of Working Together to Safeguard Children which the partnership will reflect on as we move into 2024 and explore implications for partnership working and practice.

The focus of our E-bulletin for January is to share some key messages in relation to online safety. As the festivities are finishing; I’m sure there will be several new computers and devices that have been given and received, for some children they will have received their first device, so now feels like a perfect time to look at how we can keep safe in the digital world. This also leads very nicely into Safer Internet Day which is on 6th February 2024.

Look out for resources and information about this and other updates from the partnership throughout the bulletin. As always if you have resources you want to share or topics you would like us to cover, please get in touch at nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk

Finally, for those of you who didn’t Google the answers to our December Christmas Quiz – here are the answers (I’ll claim a very respectable 8/10)

  1. Which 1982 winter animated film is only 27 minutes long? The Snowman
  2. What was Ebenezer Scrooge talking about when he said, “Because a little thing can affect them. A slight disorder of the stomach can make them cheat. You may be a bit of undigested beef, a blob of mustard, a crumb of cheese. Yes. There’s more of gravy than of grave about you.” His senses
  3. In the movie Elf, where does Buddy go to find his biological father? New York City
  4. What are the burglars in Home Alone known as? The Wet Bandits
  5. Who says, “This place reminds me of Santa’s Workshop. Except it smells like mushrooms and everyone looks like they want to hurt me.” Buddy the Elf
  6. Who played British Prime Minister in 2003 film ‘Love Actually’? Hugh Grant
  7. Which 1980s cult hit features furry creatures that wreak havoc on Christmas Eve? The Gremlins
  8. What city do the McCallister’s fly to for the Christmas holidays? Paris
  9. How many roles does Tom Hanks play in Polar Express? Five
  10. Is Die Hard a Christmas film? Of course, it is (that one is for you, Haydn!)

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and safe 2024!

Kat Morrison, Policy and Development Officer

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In January we will be taking a break from the Safeguarding Masterclass, but will back in February with more NYSCP Safeguarding Masterclass Webinars

You can access the upcoming courses on our website here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

But did you know that in January (or at any time) you can access all our previous sessions via our YouTube channel, in 2023 we covered a wealth of topics including:

We are keen to hear from partners about any topics they would like us to cover in 2024, please email us at nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk with your ideas.

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Keeping safe online: Guides to Digital Technology

You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help children stay safe online. There is a large amount of advice and resources are here to support you as you support children to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively, including:

UK Safer Internet Centre: Parents guide to technology ( a useful guide for using a setting up phones, tablets, laptops, consoles, smart speakers etc) Parents and Carers – UK Safer Internet Centre

ThinkYouKnow is a site created by the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Education Team – with a vast array of information for professionals, young people and parents and carers around how to keep safe online. CEOP Education (thinkuknow.co.uk)

INEQE Safeguarding group: Share regular up to date information about the keeping safe online with a selection of handy ‘sharables’ around online safety Online Safety Shareables – Ineqe Safeguarding Group including:

  • My child’s first device
  • Keeping gamers safer
  • Esports
  • As well as all social media platforms and current games.

Internet matters also has  series of guides and resources for safely setting up specific consoles, video games and platforms, so if a child receives a new games, or device you can simply search for a handy step by step guide on how to set up or play safely Gaming consoles and platforms – Internet Matters, Tech guide: buyer’s guide for parents | Internet Matters

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Keeping safe online: Have the conversation

As the online and digital world is such an integral part of children’s lives now, its important for us to continue to have regular conversations with children about their lives online and staying safe. Not sure where to begin? The UK Safe Internet Centre have some starter suggestions that can help.

Ask your children to tell you about the sites they like to visit and what they enjoy doing online.

What games do you and your friends like to play online? Can you show me the websites you visit the most? Shall we play your favourite game online together?

Ask them about how they stay safe online.

What tips do they have for you, and where did they learn them? What is OK and not OK to share?

Ask them if they know where to go for help.

Where can they go to find the safety advice, privacy settings and how to report or block on the services they use?

Think about how you each use the internet.

What more could you do to use the internet together? Are there activities that you could enjoy together?

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Keeping Safe Online: Safer Internet Day

The UK Safer Internet Foundation have released a series of educational resources to support Safer Internet Day  6th February 2024.

Resources for education settings Education Resources – UK Safer Internet Centre are tailored for each hey stage, with a range of activities. There are also activities designed for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Additional Learning Needs.

Look out on the website for further resources and ways to get involved!

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Keeping safe online: A digital Diet

What is A Digital Diet? Limited Screen Time: The Key To A Healthy Digital Diet — The Social Switch Project

A Digital Diet refers to the balance of online content you consume, similar to how we watch our food intake. It’s about being aware of how the things we see and do online affect our mental and physical health.

Being mindful of what we consume online, whether it’s positive or negative, and how we use certain apps is increasingly important. Just as a balanced diet includes different types of food for our body’s well-being, a balanced digital diet is crucial for overall well-being.

Now apply this to your own digital diet, reflect on which apps you use, and categorise them:

Fruits and Vegetables: Health and Well-being apps such as Calm and Headspace. 

Protein: Productivity apps such as email and WhatsApp.

Sweets and Treats: Consumer apps such as TikTok and Facebook.

Carbohydrates: Entertainment apps such as Soundcloud and Netflix, and games.  

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Partnership Business Unit updates

Two new 7-point briefings have recently been added to the NYSCP website. A 7-point briefing is a way of sharing findings and learning from reviews of cases regarding specific safeguarding issues.

The first is learning around child T and the importance of using interpreters to ensure parents know how to recognise if their child’s health is deteriorating and what action to take. 90350-7-Point-Briefing-Child-T-1.pdf (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

The second is Child R which highlights the importance of follow up when parents of young babies request advice about potential injuries.

The NYSCP Learning for Professionals page contain further 7 point briefings that you can use as tools training and team discussion to reflect on learning.

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Helping to stay well over Winter

With the gloomy winter months in full swing Young Minds have shared some key advice for if you or young people you are supporting are struggling with the shorter darker days! Tips for coping with seasonal affective disorder

Don’t forget in North Yorkshire there is The Go-To for healthy minds in North Yorkshire – the home of wellbeing and mental health for young people in North Yorkshire. They are here to help you find the right support for young people, to help them stay well, whatever is going on in their life.

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Police Briefing: Community Intelligence

**For internal awareness and to share with partners you work with **

We are pleased to announce North Yorkshire Police can now accept online reports from partners via our website. These will be directed to the Force Control Room (FCR) and dealt with just like a 101 call. In the case of partner intelligence, this will route directly to the Intelligence Unit from our website.  

This service offers you (our partners) the opportunity to submit forms through a standardised format, used by a growing number of Police forces across England and Wales. There is no need to wait on the phone. Accessible on computers, tablets and mobile the forms make it easier to share details from your systems. They are structured around the details we need to act quickly and keep people safe. 

These services are for agencies and partners of the police, they aren’t for public use.

In an emergency you should still use 999.  

What can you report online? 
The forms available for wider partners include:  
1.       Missing Persons (including returned persons and further information) 

2.       Request police help with a Mental Health Act Assessment  

3.       Request police help with a Welfare Check  

4.       Community Partner Intelligence (goes directly to the intelligence unit) 

On submission you will receive an immediate email receipt and reference number.

Partners can access the Community Partnership Intelligence form at the following website: Community partnership intelligence | North Yorkshire Police, by scanning the QR code below or visiting the North Yorkshire safeguarding Children Partnership Website:  NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk) an updated guide has also been included.

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Young People’s Relationship Framework

A new resource has been released from the Contextual Safeguarding research Programme

When professionals are tasked with creating safety in contexts, what do young people say they need from these professional relationships? How can we (professionals) be guided by how young people know the world, and fundamentally re-shift power imbalances to privilege young people’s expertise and decision-making? How can practitioners and systems move towards more equitable relationships to help create safety for young people facing harm in their communities?

Between 2019 and 2021, we spoke with children and young people about the ‘concept’ of Contextual Safeguarding in nine local authorities that were developing a Contextual Safeguarding response to extra-familial risk. These conversations with young people aimed to understand the implications of a Contextual Safeguarding approach for different groups of children and young people, in different settings, and to inform the system development in each of these sites.

The Young People’s Relationship Framework is a result of these conversations, drawing on the voices of 66 young people through interviews and focus groups; with the support of a Young People’s Advisory Panel at the Safer Young Lives Research Centre who reviewed and piloted the methods used to speak with young people.

The infographic outlines this framework, and what young people said they wanted from relationships with professionals that are tasked with helping them.

Access the resource here: young person relationship framework (contextualsafeguarding.org.uk)

The resource has also been added to the Contextual Safeguarding page of Be Aware: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

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Trauma Informed Training

The Children and Young People, Humber and North Yorkshire Trauma Informed Care programme have kindly shared their interactive free 45-minute e – learning on trauma informed care with us, this is available to all partners.

https://humberandnorthyorkshire.org.uk/children-and-young-peoples-trauma-informed-care-programme/ .

The aims of the training are to:

  • Define Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the potential impact of it on people.
  • Understand Trauma Informed practice and care and how we can respond more effectively to support people
  • Identify sources of support for yourself and professional colleagues

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Useful Links


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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