NYSCP Campaigns - North Yorkshire

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NYSCP throughout the year run and supporting various safeguarding campaigns, these campaigns promote vital safeguarding messages as well as being a hub for key resources and information. We encourage partners to promote the campaigns, share the resources and promote the social media assets on their own platforms.

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Who’s in charge?

York and North Yorkshire’s safeguarding partnerships are raising awareness of who’s in charge when you’ve had drink or drugs?

In 2020, 80 pedestrians were killed or seriously injured by drink drivers. 20 children (0-15) were killed or seriously injured by drink drivers that year.

The campaign also highlights safe sleeping and the affects that alcohol and drugs have on your body and how drinking alcohol and drug use may make you less aware of your child’s needs.

Below are images and text that can be shared via social media platforms:

York and North Yorkshire’s safeguarding teams are raising awareness of who’s in charge when you’ve had a drink? In 2020, 80 pedestrians were killed or seriously injured by drink drivers. 20 children (0-15) were killed or seriously injured by drink drivers that year. ROSPA says that although the level of drinking and driving has dropped dramatically over the last three decades, around 200 people are still killed in drink drive accidents every year. It is not just the drivers who have been drinking who suffer, but often their passengers, people in other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists or motorcyclists, and the families of everyone involved. Find out more, or get help and advice at:

York and North Yorkshire’s safeguarding partnerships are raising awareness of who’s in charge when you’ve had a drink?
This in response to increasing concerns that growing numbers of babies and children are at risk of serious harm because of the way some parents and carers consume alcohol at home.
Drinking alcohol may make you less aware of your baby’s needs.
If you do drink alcohol your baby should be cared for by an adult who has not had any alcohol. To reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) the safest place for a baby to sleep is in their own clear, flat, separate sleep space, such as a cot or Moses basket. Find out more, or get help and advice
at: The Lullaby Trust – Safer sleep for babies, Support for families

York and North Yorkshire’s safeguarding partnership are raising awareness of who’s in charge when you’ve had a drink? Alcohol is a powerful chemical that can have a wide range of adverse effects on almost every part of your body, including your brain, bones and heart. More than 1 in 10 visits to accident and emergency (A&E) departments are because of alcohol-related issues. Drinking alcohol may make you less aware of your child’s needs. Find out more, or get help and advice at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/alcohol-misuse/risks/

York and North Yorkshire’s safeguarding partnerships are raising awareness of who’s in charge when you’ve had a drink?
Most parents or carers who drink alcohol or use drugs do it in moderation and are not a risk to their children. However, drinking alcohol and drug use may make you less aware of your child’s needs. But, the NSPCC says that more than 70,000 children in England have a parent struggling with alcohol misuse. Find out more, or get help and advice at: More than 70,000 children in England have a parent struggling with alcohol misuse |

#AskMe…Have the Conversation

#AskMe….. Have the Conversation is a campaign aimed at professionals across North Yorkshire to encourage them to have conversations with new and expectant parents about how they are feeling about a number of aspects of having and caring for a baby.

Having a baby is a life changing event that brings many joys and challenges. Some parents may find it difficult to share with professionals that they are struggling, therefore it is crucial for all frontline practitioners who come into contact with new partners to have the confidence to explore with them how they are feeling and coping with the changes and challenges parenthood can bring.

#AskMe is about professionals asking the questions of new and expectant parents about how they are feeling and managing with the challenges in a supportive and non-judgmental way.

The campaign is based around a centralised webpage page of key information alongside questions and conversations to consider: All the resources alongside social media assets can be accessed here on the link below or by scanning the QR code:

NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

Worried about…? Key Safeguarding Messages

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. This campaign was produced in partnership with the Voluntary, Social and Community Enterprise Sector and is a collation of key safeguarding messages where you can access information quickly and easily if you have a concern about someone. The campaign has a series of eye catching posters and leaflets which can be printed and shared with teams or displayed in team spaces so vital information can be accessed quickly.

You will also find free resources for promoting key safeguarding messages in your places of work or volunteering and campaign resources that you can promote on your social media channels.

You can access the page and the resources here NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk) or click on the image below.

Be Aware

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to launch their Be Aware Child Exploitation knowledge hub.

For more information visit: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Be Aware is a knowledge hub designed to help prevent and tackle child exploitation in North Yorkshire. It has been used by professionals across North Yorkshire as a key source of knowledge and information about child exploitation since March 2021. The site has now expanded to include vital information designed for young people, parents, carers and local communities so we can all help to tackle child exploitation in North Yorkshire together.

The site has been developed in consultation with young people and families across North Yorkshire, ensuring the information is shaped in ways that will have the biggest impact.

Stories and experiences of child exploitation have also been shared, so families and residents can see what child exploitation can look and feel like, and the impact it can have on victims.

One young person who shared their experiences of child exploitation said “if I tell my story and how everything happened with me, I think they’d be able to listen and, like, understand more about and stupid it is”. His mum, who also shared her story said “if it helps at least one person, then it’s done something hasn’t it?”
The site is designed with information designed specifically for parents, carers, young people, local residents and businesses to raise awareness and provide a one-stop shop of information about child exploitation by highlighting:

·       What child exploitation is and what it can look like.
·       Highlighting the different types of child exploitation – including County Lines and online exploitation.
·       How to talk to children about what child exploitation is, and things we can all do to help young people stay safe.
·       What the signs are that child exploitation and grooming may be happening.
·       What help and support is available in North Yorkshire if you are worried.

Promotional poster – please display in public places and spaces to promote the website: (Please click on image below for a larger, printable copy).

Email banner:

You can support the campaign following NYSCP www.twitter.com/nyscp1 on Twitter and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nyscp1/ to share posts on your accounts as well as helping us to get messages out across your networks. Mobilise colleagues by sharing messages and asking them to join you in supporting the Be Aware campaign.

“We all need to Be Aware of child exploitation because all children are vulnerable”
Parents with experiences of child exploitation are sharing their key messages with @nyscp1 to raise awareness of how we can all tackle exploitation together: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware

Did you know @northyorkshiresafeguardingchildrenpartnership have spoken to parents and carers in North Yorkshire about what key information needs to be shared to help us all tackle child exploitation together.
Find out more about;
–  Spotting the signs
–  Speaking to you child about exploitation and keeping safe.
–   What to do if you are worried,
And much more in our new Knowledge Hub: Be Aware

Over at @NYSCP1 they are proud to launch their new child exploitation knowledge hub #BeAware. Shaped by families and young people sharing vital information to help us all tackle child exploitation together. Find out more: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Did you know @northyorkshiresafeguardingchildrenpartnership have spoken to young people in North Yorkshire about what the key things they wanted to know about child exploitation:
Find out more about:
–  What child exploitation looks like
–  How you can spot the signs
–  Ways to keep safe when out with mates or online
–  What to do if you are worried.
And much more, in our new Knowledge Hub: Be Aware

Child exploitation is a form of child abuse; it is often a hidden crime but it is happening in North Yorkshire. @nyscp1 are raising awareness so we can all tackle it together. Find out more at our new knowledge hub: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware

@Northyorkshiresafeguardingchildrenpartnership are proud to launch their new child exploitation knowledge hub: #BeAware. Shaped by families and young people; sharing important information to help us all tackle child exploitation together. Find out more: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Child exploitation is child abuse. Learning about the signs can help us all raise awareness and tackle it together.
We’re sharing the stories and experiences of exploitation in North Yorkshire on behalf of @nyscp1.
Let’s get talking about it! Find out more at:  www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

“We all need to #BeAware of child exploitation because all children are vulnerable.” Parents with experiences of child exploitation are sharing key messages to raise awareness of how we can all tackle it together – find out more from @nyscp1:

“I thought it was a good thing to do at the time because nobody my age was making the money I was making, but at the same time like – is it really worth it? …I was stuck”
Find out more about what @nyscp1 say child exploitation can look like for young people, what the risks are and where you can turn if you need help. www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Child exploitation is happening across North Yorkshire. All children are vulnerable. Local families and young people have helped @nyscp1 create a hub of key knowledge so we can all tackle child exploitation together.
find out more at: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Day or Night, Sleep Right Campaign #dayornightsleepright

Day or Night, Sleep Right is a key message to those who care for infants across North Yorkshire and York. The ‘Day or Night, Sleep Right’ campaign has been created as a way of providing information regarding the importance of safe sleeping environments for infants to reduce the number who have sadly died as a result of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) .

Sometimes families may be away from home and ‘Out of routine’ for example on holiday or visiting relatives. In light of this the Partnerships are urging people to think about safe sleeping arrangements for their infants.

Despite the substantial reduction in the incidences of SUDI in the 1980’s and 1990s via the Back to Sleep campaign, at least 300 infants continue to die suddenly and unexpectedly each year in England and Wales, sadly some of these deaths have occurred in North Yorkshire and York. The Safeguarding Children Partnerships are working with multi-agency partners to help reinforce the key messages of safer sleep to help increase awareness to expectant mothers and fathers, as well as wider carer givers such as grandparents and other family and friends.

For more information visit:


Day or Night – Sleep Right Video

NYSCP Podcast 6 – Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy

Day or Night, Sleep Right is a key message to those who care for infants across North Yorkshire and York. The ‘Day or Night, Sleep Right’ campaign has been created as a way of providing information regarding the importance of safe sleeping environments for infants to reduce the number who have sadly died as a result of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI).

In this podcast we hear from the Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children in Care from the North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group about safer sleep for babies.


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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