NYSCP North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership E-Bulletin February 2022 - North Yorkshire

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North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership E-Bulletin February 2022

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Welcome to the NYSCP February 2022 edition of our e-bulletin 

January is generally considered to be a difficult month by many people.  Nights are dark, it is a long month, we are recovering from Christmas, it is the start of a New Year, it is cold and those summer holidays seem so far away.  Many people have also had a rougher January’s than normal with bad weather and power outages.  

As we move into February we can feel more positive as days become longer, the month is shorter, those of us with children have half-term to look forward to, valentine’s day gives us the opportunity to tell the people we hold most dear that we love them and spring is just around the corner.  Moreover, this spring we can enjoy more freedoms as COVID restrictions are lifted.

This month we have a little for everyone as we bring you information about Warm and Well for advice on saving money on fuel, Safe Havens for victims and survivors of domestic abuse, new guidance on professional curiosity and challenge, young carer awareness, training, changes in national guidance, information about child sexual abuse medical services and details of a public consultation between NYCC and the York/Scarborough Teaching Hospitals.

Stay safe and have a good month.

Haydn Rees Jones, Policy and Development Officer, NYSCP
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Keeping Children safe during community activities

The Department for Education (DfE) has published a voluntary code of safeguarding practice for keep children safe during community activities. 

The voluntary code can be accessed from:

Along with the Code of Practice, DfE has also published guidance for parents and carers choose a safe OOSS for their children. Parents guidance available here: Keeping children safe in out-of-school settings – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The guidance for parents and carers is intended to help parents choose a safer setting for their child.

The guidance covers:

  • community activities
  • after-school clubs
  • supplementary schools
  • tuition
  • music lessons
  • sports training
  • other activities for children that take place without their parents’ or carers’ supervision, that are not a:
    • school
    • college
    • 16 to 19 college
    • provider caring for children under 8 years old registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency

The NYSCP has also produced a guide for parents and carers for Private Tutors, Coaches and Clubs.  This can be accessed from:  

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Mini Masterclasses – Now Bookable

Don’t forget to share the links and book your place on our 2022 masterclass sessions. We are continuing to be deliver in a mini virtual format and are designed for those working or volunteering with children and young people.

Each Masterclass will be held on the last Friday of every month between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm.

Sessions planned are:
January – Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey
February – Quick Fire Updates
March – Child Exploitation 
April – Reducing Parental Conflict

Click here to read more and book.

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CSAAS Services

The CSAAS provides crisis support and forensic medical services to collect any evidence for all child victims of rape or sexual assault. The PFCC for North Yorkshire and NHS England have jointly commissioned a single CSAAS for North Yorkshire. The service is delivered by Mountain Healthcare. Support is available for all children and young people aged 0 to 16 years who have disclosed sexual abuse or assault, or where it is suspected that it has happened. Older young people up to their 19th birthday may also be seen by the CSAAS if they have additional needs or it is deemed to be clinically appropriate. Please see the CSAAS provision and referral pathway here 

The service also offers a holistic health assessment including onward referrals for any non-recent cases (14 days+) and it is important for all children who may have been subjected to sexual assault or abuse to be seen by a specialist paediatrician to minimise the risk of long-term harm.
If anyone has any difficulties or concerns accessing the service can you please let to let Sarah Arnott (She/Her), Commissioning & Partnership Manager know ASAP via email at Sarah.Arnott@northyorkshire.police.uk

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Keeping Children Safe in Education

The Department for Education (DfE) released a draft version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) on the 11th January 2022 for consultation. The planned changes are mainly in relation to solidifying and clarifying existing messages rather than major changes from the September 2021 version.

The consultation is intended to seek the views of:

  • School and college staff
  • Designated safeguarding leads and their deputies
  • Governing bodies of maintained schools (including maintained nursery schools)
  • Proprietors of independent schools (including academies, free schools, and alternative provision academies) and non-maintained special schools
  • Management committees of pupil referral units (PRUs)
  • Post 16 providers as set out in the Education Training (Welfare of Children) Act 2021
  • Local authority children’s services
  • Professionals working in social care
  • Teaching unions
  • Safeguarding practitioners, including training providers
  • Supply agencies

For more information please visit:

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Professional Curiosity and Challenge

Nurturing professional curiosity and challenge are a fundamental aspect of working together to keep children and young people safe.

The NYSCP new Professional Curiosity Practice Guidance is designed to:

– raise awareness of the need for respectful uncertainty

– help practitioners spot the signs of when a parent or carer may be using disguised compliance, and

– advise where and how to access help and services.For more information visit:

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Warm and Well

As the cost of living continues to rise we have seen a significant increase in the number of families who are struggling to pay for their gas and electricity bills, with many having to make difficult decisions over heating or eating. The energy price cap will increase in April which is expected to drive more families into fuel poverty as industry predictions suggest bills could rise as much as 50%. Living in a cold home can have a significant effect on health and wellbeing with increased rates of respiratory illnesses and a negative impact on mental health.

North Yorkshire has higher rates of fuel poverty compared to the national average, and particularly in rural areas. There is support available through the Warm and Well Service who can offer advice to households, help with energy switching, signpost to home upgrade measures and access to emergency fuel vouchers. The service can also provide training and awareness raising sessions to professionals. Contact wnw@northyorkslca.org.uk or phone 01609 767555 or visit www.warmandwell.org.uk

Please find the link here to the warm and well leaflet.

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Training Calendar Spring 2022

The Training Calendar Spring 2022 has just been launched.
The programme available via our website here – please feel free to share far and wide. Sessions run for one hour, unless otherwise stated on the calendar, sessions are delivered by a range of agencies within NY Safeguarding Children Partnership.
These courses are all free, but should you have any questions about them please send an email to: Earlyhelpbusinesssupport@northyorks.gov.uk  and they will be pleased to help.
Bookings are managed by the North Yorkshire Education Services team who can be contacted during office hours by Email: nyes@northyorks.gov.uk

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Safe Havens

Safe Havens is a hosted emergency accommodation project which is in addition to IDAS’ existing refuges and emergency accommodation in North Yorkshire.

An innovative project supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse to access safe, accommodation quickly, provided by trained, volunteer hosts and supported by a dedicated IDAS worker. The initiative builds on a long history of people hosting families and individuals in their homes while they begin to rebuild their lives.

Being a Safe Havens host is an opportunity to guide and support a person through challenging times. Hosting a guest who has experienced domestic abuse is incredibly rewarding. Hosts can assist the guest in many ways to reach their potential and future goals. Being with a trained host in a host’s own home, offers guidance and support whilst the guest plans for their safer future, free from abuse and violence.

If you are interested in offering guests short periods of respite and relief in your home, please contact mel.milner@idas.org.uk.

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Public Consultation Between NYCC and York/Scarborough Teaching Hospital

North Yorkshire Council and York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are working in partnership to deliver sexual health services across North Yorkshire.

30 day public consultation in to the Section 75 agreement between North Yorkshire Council and York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

We wish to put in place a formal partnership (referred to as a “Section 75 Partnership Agreement”) with York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to work collaboratively to deliver the fully integrated Sexual Health Service responsibility on behalf of us.

This partnership agreement will delegate sexual health services to York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The NHS and Local Authorities Partnership Arrangements Regulations 2000 stipulate that “the partners may not enter into any partnership agreements [under Section 75 (S75) of the NHS Act 2006] unless they have consulted jointly such persons as appear to them to be affected by such arrangements”.

The partners consider the integrated sexual health S75 benefits residents of North Yorkshire. The draft S75 is proposed to commence on 1 April 2022.

The draft S75 Agreement is for 10 years, broken down as follows: initial term of 4 years (1 April 2022 – 31 March 2026), with two option to extend for further periods of 3 years.

Local Authorities are mandated nationally to provide sexual health services, funded through the Public Health Grant for their local area.

The key areas of service are: 

  • sexual health promotion and information
  • full range of contraceptive services
  • sexually Transmitted Infections (including HIV) services
  • clinical and Community Outreach Service (under 25’s and those of greatest need)
  • sexual Health Counselling and Wellbeing Support Service for HIV
  • training

We as well as York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have undertaken two public consultations to date regarding the delivery of the integrated specialist sexual health service.

The first was a 30 day consultation between September and October 2019 that sought feedback on whether to enter in to the formal Section 75 agreement with York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The responses to this initial public consultation were resoundingly in favour of entering in to this agreement (38 in favour, 1 against).

The second public consultation was a 60 day consultation that took place between 4 August 2021 and 4 October 2021. This consultation asked stakeholders to feedback on proposed changes to the delivery of the Integrated Sexual Health service. In addition to the online survey, there were also two workshops held for professionals working in the wider Sexual Health system in North Yorkshire. The consultation received positive responses, with some of the headline figures being:

  • 83% of respondents support additional online and virtual support within the sexual health service, to complement face to face delivery.
  • 87% of respondents support a personalised offer to STI testing based on an individual’s level of risk and history
  • 93% were in support of a coordinated approach between the sexual health counselling and HIV support services
  • 89% of respondents support a more responsive joined up clinical and community approach, engaging with those at greater levels of risk or need in relation to sexual and reproductive health. 

We and York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust are now jointly consulting on entering into and the content of the proposed collaborative arrangement via the Section 75 agreement. This is a 30-day consultation beginning on 4 January 2022 and ending on 3 February 2022.

For any questions about this consultation please email nypublichealth@northyorks.gov.uk

full version of the Section 75 agreement (including all schedules) (pdf / 3 MB) between us and York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust  is available as well as a summary report of the previous 60 day consultation in to the proposed changes to the delivery of the Integrated Sexual Health service.

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You can tell us your views in the following ways: 

Complete the online survey

Please do not include any personal identifiable information in any of your answers that could identify yourself or another individual. 

An easy read version of this survey is available on request.

If you would like to request any paper copies of the survey, or require information about the consultation in a different language or a more accessible format please contact nypublichealth@northyorks.gov.uk or call our customer service centre on 0300 131 2 131.

You can also send your views on the proposals by email to nypublichealth@northyorks.gov.uk.

Or write to us at:

Sexual Health Service Consultation,
Central Admin Team,
North Yorkshire Council,
County Hall,
North Yorkshire,

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Young Carers: Awareness and Identification Training

The Children’s Society and NHSE/I have added an extra date for the Young Carers: Awareness and Identification Training.

This training event will enable you to explore how your role can seek to actively identify, support and improve outcomes for young carers.

More information and booking is on Eventbrite.

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Useful Links

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