NYSCP Procedures, Practice Guidance and One Minute Guides - North Yorkshire

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Procedures, Practice Guidance and One Minute Guides

Procedures, Practice Guidance and One Minute Guides

Welcome to the section of the NYSCP website that contains links to key multi-agency safeguarding procedures, practice guidance and one minute guides. They have been designed to support all practitioner who are working with children , young people and their families across North Yorkshire.

If you are unable to access a document, or would like guidance around a particular safeguarding theme that is not covered below, please contact us on: nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk


You will find a comprehensive list of North Yorkshire specific procedures and practice guidance on this page. The NYSCP also work in partnership with Tri.X who provide national policies and practice guidance that are relevant to practice in North Yorkshire that can be accessed here:

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NYSCP Practice Guidance

The NYSCP Practice Guidance has been agreed as a framework for multi-agency working in safeguarding across North Yorkshire. The documents reflect relevant national legislation, current guidance in the local context in North Yorkshire.

Practitioners that are involved in the safeguarding of children need to have a working knowledge of these documents and to refer to relevant sections as needed.

Some of these Practice Guidance Documents are links to National resources or developed in partnership with TriX. Below is an A-Z list of all the documents available.

  1. Bullying – Tri.X
  2. Challenging victim blaming language and behaviours when dealing with the online experiences of children and young people. UK Council for Internet Safety.
  3. Child Abuse linked to Faith or Belief including Witchcraft
  4. Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse – Tri.X
  5. Child Protection Medical Assessments
  6. Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment – Tri.X
  7. Child Sexual Abuse Medical Assessments
  8. Child Sexual Exploitation – Tri.X
  9. Children and Custodial Settings
  10. Children and Families that go Missing (Including Unborn Chilren) – see also Missing from Home and Care – Tri.X
  11. Children and young people who display sexually harmful behaviours
  12. Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation – Tri.X
  13. Children Living Away From Home – Tri.X
  14. Children Missing Education
  15. Children Missing from Home and Care
  16. Children of Parents with Learning Disabilities – Tri.X
  17. Children of Parents with Mental Health Problems – Tri.X
  18. Children Visiting Psychiatric Wards and Facilities – Tri.X
  19. Concealed, Denied or Late Presentation of Pregnancy
  20. Criminal Exploitation and County Lines
  21. Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children – Tri.x
  22. Disabled Children – Tri.X
  23. Domestic Abuse – Including Domestic Abuse Strategy
  24. Escalation Pathway – Access to CAMHS Inpatient Unit
  25. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Practice Guidance
  26. Forced Marriage – Tri.X
  27. Home Environment Assessment Tool Guidance & HEAT Toolkit
  28. Honour Based Violence – Tri.X
  29. LADO – Managing Allegations Against Those Who Work or Volunteer with Children
  30. Let’s talk about language: Tools for prompting discussion about out use of language around child exploitation.
  31. Managing Different Professional Perspectives and Mutual Challenge (Including Professional Resolutions)
  32. Managing Injuries to Non-Independently Mobile Children
  33. Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking Toolkit
  34. Multi Agency Child Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding
  35. Neglect
  36. Online Safety – Tri.X
  37. Out of Area Looked After Children Protocol
  38. Out of Area Young People Arrested Who Appear at Risk of Criminal Exploitation
  39. Perplexing Presentations, Fabricated and Induced Illness in Children Practice Guidance
  40. Pre-Birth – Tri.X
  41. Prevent Duty Self-Assessment Tool: Further Education – gov.uk
  42. Prevent: Working with Individuals Vulnerable to Extremism
  43. Preventing Sudden or Unexpected Death in Infancy
  44. Private Fostering
  45. Professional Curiosity
  46. Radicalisation, Terrorist and Extremist Ideology – Tri.X
  47. Referrals to Children and Families Service using the updated Universal Referral Form
  48. Safeguarding Children with a Social Worker, Children in Care and Children Previously in Care at School Tri.X
  49. Safeguarding Unborn Babies
  50. Safe Sleep for Babies Practice Guidance – Day or Night Sleep Right Practice Guidance
  51. Safer Recruitment – Tri.X
  52. Schools Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Template 2024 – 2025
  53. Self Harming and Suicidal Ideation Pathway
  54. Slang Dictionary and Emoji Dictionary
  55. Spiritual, Cultural and Religious Beliefs – Tri.X
  56. Stronger Relationships – (Reducing Parental Conflict)
  57. Substance Use in Parents and Carers
  58. Underage Sexual Activity – Tri.X
  59. Whistleblowing
  60. Working with Interpreters and others with Special Communication Skills – Tri.X
  61. Writing Child Protection Policy
  62. Writing Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures for Early Years Providers

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Framework for decision-making: Right help, at the right time by the right person

The “Framework for decision-making: Right help, at the right time by the right person” has been developed to help and support practitioners working with children across all agencies and organisations, when faced with a decision about the safety and wellbeing of a child or young person. It is a collaborative approach to support and drive our shared ambition of the right help, at the right time from the right service and, importantly, from the right person.

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Standards & Criteria

Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023) references National Multi Agency practice standards for child protection (p80). These are for all practitioners working in services and settings who come into contact with children who may be suffering or have suffered significant harm within or outside the home.

Working Together also references expectation for practice for senior leaders, practice supervisors and practitioners in all local authorities as set out in the Children’s Social Care National Framework

NYSCP’s Standards and Criteria document lays out the multi-agency expectations in respect of:

  • Strategy Discussions
  • Child Protection Conferences
  • Reports to Child Protection Conferences
  • Child Protection Conference Documents and Minutes
  • Child Protection Plans
  • Core Groups
  • Child in Need Meetings
  • Assessment Standards
  • Notifiable Incidents Involving Children
  • Private Fostering

The standards reflect the requirements set out in Working Together to Safeguarding Children (2023) and are relevant to quality assurance. This document can also be of use for practitioners working with children and their families as a framework.

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One Minute Guides

One Minute Guides (OMGs) are designed to provide professionals with bite sized briefings on key issues to support frontline practice. An A-Z list can be found below, click on the text to open the guide:

  1. Child Adolescence to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA)
  2. Child Death Review Process
  3. CDOP Joint Agency Response
  4. Child Safeguarding Rapid Review Process
  5. County Lines, Cross Border Gangs and Cuckooing
  6. Dangerous Dogs
  7. Deep Dive Multi Agency Audits
  8. Drug Alert Escalation Process
  9. Early Help
  10. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
  11. Forced Marriage
  12. Information Sharing
  13. Intelligence Sharing
  14. Leaving a Child at Home
  15. MACE & Contextual Safeguarding Lv. 1
  16. MACE & Contextual Safeguarding Lv. 2
  17. MACE Persons who pose a risk by Exploitation Process
  18. Making a referral
  19. Managing Allegations against staff – LADO Notification
  20. MAST – Multi Agency Screening Team
  21. MATE Crime
  22. Missing Child/Young Person
  23. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
  24. No Wrong Door – RAISE Approach
  25. North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP)
  26. Notification of Private Fostering Arrangements
  27. Operation Choice – Drugs Early Intervention and Prevention for Children and Young People in North Yorkshire
  28. Operation Divan
  29. Operation Divan School Guidance
  30. Parental Conflict – A Guide for Professionals
  31. Parental Conflict – A Guide for Parents
  32. Parental Mental Ill Health on Children
  33. Prevent: Extremism & Radicalisation
  34. Professionals Consultation Line
  35. Safeguarding Children and Adults when Volunteering in North Yorkshire
  36. Safeguarding Practice Review Group (SPRG)
  37. Safer Recruitment
  38. Snapchat
  39. Stalking Protection Orders
  40. Strength in Relationships Practice Model
  41. Submitting a Referral to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for a child
  42. SUDI Prevention
  43. Trusted Relationships
  44. Using the Children and Families Universal Referral Form

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Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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